utilities types
v.1.0.0 | SaturnHealthy
Kubit allows to use specific styles according to the different screen sizes of the application. For this purpose, the next sizes have been defined:
- Mobile: Screens up to 48rem wide.
- Tablet: Screens from 48rem to 64rem wide.
- Desktop: Screens from 64rem and upwards.
- Large Desktop: Screens 125rem and up.
These sizes can be overwritten through the theme property MEDIA_QUERIES. To do this, an object with the following interface must be defined and added to the ThemeProvider:
type MediaQueriesType = { onlyLargeDesktop: string; onlyDesktop: string; tabletAndDesktop: string; onlyTablet: string; mobileAndTablet: string; onlyMobile: string; matchMedia: { onlyDesktop: string; onlyTablet: string;
During the application of tokens and logic to a given component, we may need to know the device type of the end-user. For this purpose, the following enum has been defined:
Handling Media Devices
To apply specific styles, or a specific behaviours, we can use the following strategies:
- Use useMediaDevice hook. This hook will return the current device of the end user.
- Use useActiveBreakpoints hook. This hook will return the active breakpoints of the end user.
- Apply specific styles to the component via the end user's screen size. More info in the Theme Types section.