utilities types
v.1.0.0 | SaturnHealthy
Unlike useMediaDevice, this hook indicates for each breakpoints if it's active or not.
No params are required.
- isMobile: boolean that indicates if the user is using a mobile device.
- isTablet: boolean that indicates if the user is using a tablet device.
- isDesktop: boolean that indicates if the user is using a desktop device.
- isLargeDesktop: boolean that indicates if the user is using a large desktop device.
- device: DeviceBreakpointsType that indicates the device the user is using.
Usage example
import { useActiveBreakpoints } from '@kubit-ui-web/react-components'; const MyComponent = () => { const { isMobile, isTablet, isDesktop, isLargeDesktop, device } = useActiveBreakpoints(); return ( <div> <p>Is Mobile: {isMobile}</p> <p>Is Tablet: {isTablet}</p> <p>Is Desktop: {isDesktop}</p>