Selector box file
v.1.0.0 | SaturnUsage
import { SelectorBoxFile } from '@kubit-ui-web/react-components'
<SelectorBoxFile containerBoxStateContent={{ ['DEFAULT']: { icon: { icon: 'UPLOAD' }, actionText: { content: 'Browse and select a file' }, description: { content: 'and upload it here' }, }, ['LOADING']: { icon: { icon: 'UPLOAD' }, actionText: { content: 'Cancel upload' },
Let's delve into the versatility of the selectorBoxFile component by examining all its avalaible props.
Property | Type | Default | Description |
accept | String | - | Input file accept |
button | SelectorBoxFileButtonType | - | Object with button properties |
containerBoxStateContent Required | SelectorBoxFileContainerBoxStateContentType | - | Container box literals (icon and text) |
dataTestId | String | - | Testing id |
disabled | Boolean | false | Specifies if the selectorBoxFile component is disabled or not |
description | SelectorBoxFileTextType | - | Object with description properties |
error | Boolean | false | Defines if component has errors |
errorMessage | SelectorBoxFileTextType | - | Object with error message properties |
errorMessageIcon | IElementOrIcon | - | Object with error message icon properties |
errorFileExtensionMessage | SelectorBoxFileTextType | - | Object for custom message when file extension is wrong |
errorMaxSizeMessage | SelectorBoxFileTextType | - | Object for custom message when file size is wrong |
fileExtension | Array | - | Allowed extensions |
filename | String | - | Uploading file name |
id | String | - | Input file id |
loading | Boolean | false | If component is loading or not |
maxSize | Number | - | Max file size (mb) |
multiple | Boolean | false | Input file multiple |
name | String | - | Input file name |
onChange | React.ChangeEventHandler | - | Input file onChange |
onClick | MouseEventHandler | - | Input file onClick |
onFileError | (status: boolean) => void | - | CallBack File Extension Error |
onSizeError | (status: boolean) => void | - | CallBack File Size Error |
success | Boolean | false | Component uploaded the file properly |
subtitle | SelectorBoxFileTextType | - | Object with subtitle properties |
title | SelectorBoxFileTextType | - | Object with title properties |
tooltip | SelectorBoxFileTooltipType | - | When present a tooltip will be shown |
tooltipIcon | IElementOrIcon | - | Object with tooltip icon properties. Icon next to the subtitle |
variant Required | String | DEFAULT | Variant of selectorBoxFile |
ctv | Object | - | Object used for update variant styles |