Input Dropdown
v.1.0.0 | SaturnUsage
The name of the object of tokens to style the inputDropdown component is INPUT_DROPDOWN_STYLES.
You can not change the name of the object of tokens.
inputDropdown component has one way to modify the styles:
- Variant: modify the styles of the InputDropdown.
The structure of the INPUT_DROPDOWN_STYLES object is:
Variants and States
Variants can modify the styles for each inner state of the inputDropdown. The states are: InputState;
For each inner state the next tokens can be used:
- InputBasicStateProps;
- allowSearch?: boolean;
- inputVariant?: string; (It should go a valid variant from the Input component)
- popoverVariant?: { [key in DeviceBreakpointsType]?: string };
- useActionBottomSheet?: { [key in DeviceBreakpointsType]?: boolean };
- inputDropdownContainer?: CommonStyleType;
- actionBottomSheetVariant?: string;
- searchListContainer?: CommonStyleType;
- inputInPopoverContainer?: CommonStyleType;
- loaderExpandedContainer?: CommonStyleType;
- loaderContractedContainer?: CommonStyleType;
- loader?: { variant?: string; width?: string; };
- noResultsTextContainer?: CommonStyleType;
- noResultsText?: TypographyTypes;
- loadingText?: TypographyTypes;
- listOptions: InputDropdownListOptionsProps;
const INPUT_DROPDOWN_STYLES = { [VARIANT]: { [STATE]: InputBasicStateProps & { allowSearch?: boolean; inputVariant?: string; popoverVariant?: { [key in DeviceBreakpointsType]?: string }; useActionBottomSheet?: { [key in DeviceBreakpointsType]?: boolean }; actionBottomSheetVariant?: string; inputDropdownContainer?: CommonStyleType; searchListContainer?: CommonStyleType;
- InputDropdownListOptionsProps
type InputDropdownListOptionsProps = { variant?: string; optionVariant?: string; hightlightedOptionVariant?: string; };
inputDropdown theme object example:
const INPUT_DROPDOWN_STYLES = { [VARIANT]: { [STATE]: { allowSearch: 'boolean'; inputVariant: 'variant', popoverVariant: { [DESKTOP]: 'boolean', [TABLET]: 'boolean', [MOBILE]: 'boolean', },