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Web components



Input Dropdown

v.1.0.0 | Saturn


import { InputDropdown } from '@kubit-ui-web/react-components';


Let's delve into the versatility of the inputDropdown component by examining all its avalaible props.

String-Variant of InputDropdown
InputDropdownOptionsType-List of options to show
inputVariantString-Set the Input's variant
openBooleanfalseIndicates if inputDropdown is open
disabledBoolean-Specifies if the input element is disabled
errorBoolean-Specifies if the input element has error
onClick(event: MouseEvent or KeyboardEvent) => void-Function that is called when user clicks on input
onChangeInputDropdownOnChangeType-Function that is called when selecting an element on the component
onInputPopoverIconClick() => void-Function that is called when click on the input icon in the ActionBottomSheet
onOpenCloseOptions(open: boolean) => void-Function that is called when the options are opened or closed
(errors: string) => void
-Function that is called when an internal error occurs
internalErrorExecutionINTERNAL_ERROR_EXECUTIONonChangeOnBlurWhen error handling
valueString-Option value selected
loadingListBoolean-Add loading in result list when database does not find results
loadingTextInputDropdownLoadingTextType-Text for loading result list
elementsToShowNumber4Number of elements to show
noResultsTextInputDropdownNoResultTextType-Message to display when results are empty
closeIconIElementOrIcon-Add close icon
hasResultTextWrittenByUserBooleantrueShow the search option in the list
hasInputInSearchListBoolean-Show the input in the list
labelComponentTypeTextComponentTypeH5Component of the label for the actionBottomSheet
ariaLabelCloseString-Aria label of the close button in ActionBottomSheet
inputPopoverIconIElementOrIcon-Set icon of the input icon in the ActionBottomSheet
inputPopoverVariantString-Variant for the input inside the popover
onCloseIconTabletMobileClickString-Function called when in mobile or tablet close icon is clicked
ctvInputDropdownStylesProps-Modify styles for the default version of the component

Initialized extended props

typeStringTextThe type attribute specifies the type of input element to display. If the type attribute is not specified, the default type is text"